I am trying to retrieve a list of projects from the OpenStack API, and would like to use pagination in order to retrieve n projects at a time.
In the OpenStack documentation, it states that I can append "/?limit=n" to the URL and up to n results will be fetched accordingly.
However, when executing the GET request to the URL as follows: https://identity-3.eu-de-1.cloud.sap/v3/auth/projects/?limit=1
I still get ALL projects. I can't seem to understand what I am missing.
NOTE: the request itself works and returns results as needed, but simply ignores the limit parameter (this is not an authentication issue).
I think it does not all OpenStack API provide limit parameter
In keystone API doc, there is no limit parameter in Request parameter descriptions for /v3/auth/projects API keystone-project-API-doc
Other services like cinder volume list, it provides limit parameter in doc cinder-volume-API-doc