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How to remove unnecessary items from an JSON with JQ?

I need from this: (example)

  "jobs": [
  "services": {
    "service-1": {
      "version": "master"
    "service-2": {
      "foo": true,
      "version": "master"
    "service-3": {
      "bar": "baz"

Make this:

  "services": {
    "service-1": {
      "version": "master"
    "service-2": {
      "version": "master"

So delete all except .services.*.version. Help please, can't handle it with my knowledge of the JQ.


  • Translating your expression .services.*.version quite generically, you could use tostream as follows:

    reduce (tostream
            | select(length==2 and
                     (.[0] | (.[0] == "services" and
                              .[-1] == "version")))) as $pv (null;
        setpath($pv[0]; $pv[1]) )

    Using jq's streaming parser

    To reduce memory requirements, you could modify the above solution to use jq's streaming parser, either with reduce as above, or with fromstream:

    jq -n --stream -f program.jq input.json

    where program.jq contains:

        | select( if length == 2
                  then .[0] | (.[0] == "services" and
                               .[-1] == "version")
                  else . end ) )


    Interpreting .services.*.version more broadly so as not to require the terminal component of the path to be .version, simply replace .[-1] == "version" with:


    in the above.