so I have been using VS Community for a while now to code in c++ and somehow must have activated reference hightlighting. Now every time my cursor is inside a word it highlights every occurence in the entire file. This gets very confusing especially inside nested loops:
I tried looking for reference highlighting but could only find it in the C# section in the options.
I also tried changing the background color of the highlight to the background color of the plain text but this still draws the rectangle highlight box around it.
Is there no way to disable this cursor highlighting for c++? Basicly I only want the highlight to show when I actually hightlight stuff.
If you want to disable all cursor highlighting, you could set True
in Tools->Options->Text Editor->C/C++->Advanced->References->Disable Reference Highlighting
If you want to customize the cursor highlighting, here is a solution for reference.
This tip was proposed by Sairama Jamalapuram. Syntax coloring for user-defined keywords is used for C++ files only.
Here are the steps you need to take to enable syntax coloring for user-defined keywords. The steps are taken from the online help.