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Login page not redirecting after login in firefox 5

I'm writing an application that has a login page. The application is redirecting to the login page just fine, and when I click 'Log In', the user gets authenticated just fine. The last action of the log button postback method is to redirect the user to the page they requested.

However, in firefox 5, it simply refreshes the page. I've run fiddler against it and confirmed that a 302 request to redirect is in fact being sent to the browser. But it's like the browser isn't honoring it. It just shows me the log in page again.

Any ideas?


  • So if anyone knows a better way to do this, feel free to post it, but the way I finally get it working was to add the following right before I returned the Redirect action:


    This way firefox 5 can't cache the 302 redirect to the login page, so when you attempt to redirect to the original url, it actually sends you there.