I have uploads_file table with formats field i need to retrieve only formats.thumbnail
upload_file Schema
Column Type
id integer Auto Increment [nextval('upload_file_id_seq')]
name character varying(255)
formats jsonb NULL
inside strapi i am using knex in the following way to retrive formats.
const knex = strapi.connections.default
const resp = await knex
.from("upload_file AS upf")
return resp
it results in
"formats": {
"large": {
"ext": ".png",
"url": "/uploads/large_sld1_acb6efc9cc.png",
"hash": "large_sld1_acb6efc9cc",
"mime": "image/png",
"name": "large_sld1.png",
"path": null,
"size": 312.82,
"width": 1000,
"height": 564
"small": {
"ext": ".png",
"url": "/uploads/small_sld1_acb6efc9cc.png",
"hash": "small_sld1_acb6efc9cc",
"mime": "image/png",
"name": "small_sld1.png",
"path": null,
"size": 96.62,
"width": 500,
"height": 282
"medium": {
"ext": ".png",
"url": "/uploads/medium_sld1_acb6efc9cc.png",
"hash": "medium_sld1_acb6efc9cc",
"mime": "image/png",
"name": "medium_sld1.png",
"path": null,
"size": 192.46,
"width": 750,
"height": 423
"thumbnail": {
"ext": ".png",
"url": "/uploads/thumbnail_sld1_acb6efc9cc.png",
"hash": "thumbnail_sld1_acb6efc9cc",
"mime": "image/png",
"name": "thumbnail_sld1.png",
"path": null,
"size": 29.8,
"width": 245,
"height": 138
the query works fine. but i need to retrieve only thumbnail out of it. since it is stored as jsonb format not aware of how to retrieve it.
Thanks in Advance.
You can use ->
const knex = strapi.connections.default
const resp = await knex
knex.raw(`upf.formats->'thumbnail' as thumbnail`)
.from("upload_file AS upf")
return resp