I have 2 tables : urls and links.
- urls.url
- links.source
- links.destination
I'm trying to select all the urls and add count of incoming and outgoing URLs, result should be :
URL; Count Incoming links; Count Outgoing links
I have tried the following to get the incoming URLs which sadly isn't valid SQL, and at this point I don't know how to look for the solution to this problem.
SELECT * FROM urls JOIN COUNT(links.source) ON urls.url = links.source
You can use correlated subqueries:
select u.url,
(select count(*) from links l where l.source = u.url) as incoming_links,
(select count(*) from links l where l.destination = u.url) as outgoing_links
from urls u
Alternatively, you can do conditional aggregation:
select u.url,
sum(case when u.url = l.source then 1 else 0 end) as incoming_links,
sum(case when u.url = l.destination then 1 else 0 end) as outgoing_links
from urls u
left join links l on u.url in (l.source, l.destination)
group by u.url
Depending on your database, there might be a neater way to express the conditional sum. For example, in MySQL:
sum(u.url = l.source) as incoming_links
Or in Postgres:
count(*) filter(where u.url = l.source) as incoming_links