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Chrome Extension - - Why does returns undefined?

For some reason my getStorageKeyValue method returns undefined instead of the value previously set. I am beating my head over this for approximately 3 days now. The google searches didn't solve my problem and I beg you please help! How to fix this?

This is my current JavaScript code:

// Sets a key and stores its value into the storage
function setStorageKey(key, value){{ key: value });

// Gets a key value from the storage
function getStorageKeyValue(key){[key], function(result) {
        return result.key;

// Set a new key inside the storage
let value = 10;
setStorageKey("K1", value);

// Get the value of the key passed in parameter from the storage
let receivedValue = getStorageKeyValue("K1");

alert("Set value: "+value+" --- Received value: "+receivedValue);
// Results in: Set value: 10 --- Received Value: undefined

Solution Found:

// Sets a key and stores its value into the storage
function setStorageKey(key, value){{ [key]: value });

// Gets a key value from the storage
function getStorageKeyValue(key, onGetStorageKeyValue){[key], function(result) {

// Running our code to see the result:
// 1) Set value & Save it to storage
let value = 10;
setStorageKey("K1", value);

//) 2) Get saved value from storage and display a warning message with the value
getStorageKeyValue("K1", function(key) {
  alert("Set value: "+value+" --- Received value: "+ key);
// Results in: Set value: 10 --- Received Value: 10

Many thanks for your responses and help. I hope that this question will be useful for other developers.

Special thanks to: johannchopin and Andreas. Their responses helped me to solve my issue.


  • is an asynchronous method, that's why you need to give a callback to it when it has done getting the storage. So you can't adopt a procedural code structure for that. A solution would be to use a callback structure:

    function setStorageKey(key, value){{ key: value });
    function getStorageKeyValue(key, onGetStorageKeyValue){[key], function(result) {
    let value = 10;
    setStorageKey("K1", value);
    getStorageKeyValue("K1", function(key) {
      alert("Set value: "+value+" --- Received value: "+ key);