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Methods missing from Javascript Class inside Vuex state

I'm using Nuxt framework alongside Vuex to store data in my web site but I'm facing trouble when I want to use a class directly in the state.

With a model cart.js defined like this:

export class Cart {

    constructor(ownedID) {
        this._created = new Date();
        this._lastUpdated = new Date();
        this._ownerID = ownedID || 'visitor'
        this._items = []

     getItem (articleNumber) {


And my store's module cart.js

import { Cart } from "~/models/cart";

const state = () => ({
    cart: new Cart()

const mutations = {
    ADD_ITEM(state, newItem) {


When the ADD_ITEM(state, newItem) mutation is called the getItem(articleNumber) function is missing and thus I receive the TypeError: state.cart.getItem is not a function error.

This is the result of the console.log:

__ob__: Object { value: {…}, dep: {…}, vmCount: 0 }

This is a sandbox link of my setup.

Nuxt vuex sandbox error

Does anyone have a clue about my issue.

Thank you.


  • Vue accepts only plain objects & Observes only native object properties, It ignores the prototype properties. According to the Vue documentation

    The object must be plain: native objects such as browser API objects and prototype properties are ignored

    In your case, your using a class which creates variables in plain object and methods in prototype(__proto__), That's why state is unable to find getItem method. You need to use plain objects instead of classes

    enter image description here.