I have two JPMS layers:
module A
loaded by ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@4fca772d
module B
that provides cervices and loaded by Loader@6b58b9e9
The parent classloader of Loader@6b58b9e9
is ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@4fca772d
In module A
I have the following code:
ServiceLoader<ModuleAInterface> sl = ServiceLoader.load(ModuleAInterface.class);
However, the services of Module B
are found only when context class loader is Loader@6b58b9e9
and not found when context class loader is ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@4fca772d
The question - is it possible to get services of module B
in module A
without knowing class loader of module B
in such configuration.
looking at the code of java.util.ServiceLoader
in jdk 14 (see screenshot) it looks like it follows the same logic as class loading when there are multiple ModuleLayer
, as described in this stackoverflow answer
which means that ServiceLoader
will will first look at services in its own ModuleLayer
then in its parent ModuleLayer
and continue from child to parent in a recursive manner
is it possible to get services of module B in module A without knowing class loader of module B in such configuration.
but module B can see the services in module A