I've got a List which holds some Personalization-objects. The latter is defined like this:
sealed case class Personalization(firstname: String, lastname: String, keycardId: String)
I need to map this list to a Json-Array structure which has to look like this:
"personalization": [
"id": "firstname",
"value": "John"
"id": "lastname",
"value": "Doe"
I am struggling with the part of mapping the field information to id/value pairs. Normally, I would create a play.api.libs.json.Format out of the Personalization class and let it map automatically -> Json.format[Personalization]
- but this time, I need to create an array where an entry can hold n attributes.
Therefore I am asking for advice, if there is a possibility to use the Scala Play-Framework? Any input is much appreciated, thank you!
Writing as such JSON representation is not quite complex, using Writes.transform
import play.api.libs.json._
case class Personalization(firstname: String, lastname: String, keycardId: String) // No need to seal a case class
implicit def writes: Writes[Personalization] = {
val tx: JsValue => JsValue = {
case JsObject(fields) => Json.toJson(fields.map {
case (k, v) => Json.obj("id" -> k, "value" -> v)
case jsUnexpected => jsUnexpected // doesn't happen with OWrites
Which can be tested as bellow.
val personalization = Personalization(
firstname = "First",
lastname = "Last",
keycardId = "Foo")
val jsonRepr = Json.toJson(personalization)
// => [{"id":"firstname","value":"First"},{"id":"lastname","value":"Last"},{"id":"keycardId","value":"Foo"}]
Reading is a little bit tricky:
implicit def reads: Reads[Personalization] = {
type Field = (String, Json.JsValueWrapper)
val fieldReads = Reads.seq(Reads[Field] { js =>
for {
id <- (js \ "id").validate[String]
v <- (js \ "value").validate[JsValue]
} yield id -> v
val underlying = Json.reads[Personalization]
Reads[Personalization] { js =>
js.validate(fieldReads).flatMap { fields =>
Json.obj(fields: _*).validate(underlying)
Which can be tested as bellow.
// => JsSuccess(Personalization(First,Last,Foo),)
Note that is approach can be used for any case class format.