I am trying to implement a software to read and write data into an h2 database with the help of Jooq. My PLC_DATA Table has a column with TIMESTAMP which is normally mapped to LocalDateTime but I need this data to be mapped to Instant in my POJO, so I wrote my custom Converter:
public class TimestampConverter implements Converter<LocalDateTime, Instant> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2866811348870878385L;
* Convert a {@code LocalDateTime} into {@code Instant}
public Instant from(LocalDateTime databaseObject) {
return databaseObject.toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC);
* Convert a {@code Instant} into {@code Timestamp}
public LocalDateTime to(Instant userObject) {
return userObject.atZone(ZoneOffset.UTC).toLocalDateTime();
* Return the from Type Class
public Class<LocalDateTime> fromType() {
return LocalDateTime.class;
* Return the to Type Class
public Class<Instant> toType() {
return Instant.class;
and I have referenced the forcedType in my build.gradle
forcedType {
userType = 'java.time.Instant'
converter = 'it.fox.plcwebgui.utils.db.TimestampConverter'
includeTypes = 'TIMESTAMP.*'
I have annotated my POJO:
public class PlcEventBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1988924276212981713L;
@Column(name = "ID")
public long id = 0;
@Column(name = "EVENT_INSTANT")
public Instant eventInstant = Instant.ofEpochMilli(0);
@Column(name = "MAX_FORCE")
private int maxForce;
* Get the Event ID
* @param id the id
public long getId() {
return id;
* Set the Event ID
* @param id the id
public void setId(long id) {
this.id = id;
* The instant (in GMT) of the event
* @return the instant of the event
public Instant getEventDate() {
return eventInstant;
* Set the instant of the Event
* @param eventInstant the instant to set
public void setEventDate(Instant eventInstant) {
this.eventInstant = eventInstant;
* The max Force used for the event
* @return the max force used
public int getMaxForce() {
return maxForce;
* Set the max force used for the Event
* @param maxForce the value of the max force
public void setMaxForce(int maxForce) {
this.maxForce = maxForce;
The code work like a charm when I read from the DB to my POJO, like here:
public List<PlcEventBean> fetchData(int offset, int limit, DataFilter filter) {
Instant fromInstant = filter.getFromInstant();
Instant toInstant = filter.getToInstant();
String id = filter.getId();
List<PlcEventBean> plcEventBeans = context.select()
.and(PLC_DATA.ID.like("%" + id + "%"))
logger.info("Fetched {} with offset: {} limit: {} with fromDateTime {}, toDateTime {}, textSearch {}"
return plcEventBeans;
But when I try to write some data in the DB I got an exception trying to generate new records:
public void generateRandomValues() {
int nEvents = 40000;
Random r = new Random(0);
List<PlcEventBean> plcEvents = new ArrayList<>();
for (long i = 0; i < nEvents; i++) {
PlcEventBean eventBean = new PlcEventBean();
eventBean.setEventDate(Instant.now().plus(i, ChronoUnit.MINUTES));
PlcDataRecord plcDataRecord = context.newRecord(PLC_DATA, plcEvents);
org.jooq.exception.DataTypeException: Cannot convert from it.fox.plcwebgui.plc.PlcEventBean@2a389173 (class it.fox.plcwebgui.plc.PlcEventBean) to class java.time.LocalDateTime
at org.jooq.tools.Convert$ConvertAll.fail(Convert.java:1200)
at org.jooq.tools.Convert$ConvertAll.from(Convert.java:1089)
at org.jooq.tools.Convert.convert0(Convert.java:324)
at org.jooq.tools.Convert.convert(Convert.java:316)
at org.jooq.tools.Convert.convert(Convert.java:387)
at org.jooq.impl.DefaultDataType.convert(DefaultDataType.java:827)
at org.jooq.impl.ConvertedDataType.convert(ConvertedDataType.java:114)
at org.jooq.impl.Tools.setValue(Tools.java:2823)
at org.jooq.impl.DefaultRecordUnmapper$IterableUnmapper.unmap(DefaultRecordUnmapper.java:189)
at org.jooq.impl.DefaultRecordUnmapper.unmap(DefaultRecordUnmapper.java:102)
at org.jooq.impl.AbstractRecord.from0(AbstractRecord.java:837)
at org.jooq.impl.AbstractRecord.from(AbstractRecord.java:867)
at org.jooq.impl.DefaultDSLContext$6.operate(DefaultDSLContext.java:4019)
at org.jooq.impl.RecordDelegate.operate(RecordDelegate.java:130)
at org.jooq.impl.DefaultDSLContext.newRecord(DefaultDSLContext.java:4015)
at it.fox.plcwebgui.plc.PlcEventServiceDatabaseImp.generateRandomValues(PlcEventServiceDatabaseImp.java:120)
at it.fox.plcwebgui.utils.db.PlcEventServiceDatabaseImpTest.generateRandomValuesTest01(PlcEventServiceDatabaseImpTest.java:128)
As far as I understood in the documentation the Converter
should work bidirectionally.
What am I missing?
The mistake is here:
PlcDataRecord plcDataRecord = context.newRecord(PLC_DATA, plcEvents);
You want to convert a list of pojos to a single record, which doesn't make sense. Move that logic into your loop, instead:
List<PlcDataRecord> records = new ArrayList<>();
for (long i = 0; i < nEvents; i++) {
PlcEventBean eventBean = new PlcEventBean();
eventBean.setEventDate(Instant.now().plus(i, ChronoUnit.MINUTES));
records.add(context.newRecord(PLC_DATA, eventBean));
Just rewrite your type to SQLDataType.INSTANT
instead of rolling your own converter:
forcedType {
name = 'INSTANT'
includeTypes = 'TIMESTAMP.*'