I'm trying to add click events to a range on a graph very similar to this
for (let grading of data.gradingData) {
var range = axis2.axisRanges.create();
range.axisFill.fill = am4core.color(grading.color);
range.axisFill.fillOpacity = 0.8;
range.axisFill.zIndex = -1;
range.value = grading.lowScore > chartMin ? grading.lowScore : chartMin;
range.endValue = grading.highScore < chartMax ? grading.highScore : chartMax;
range.grid.strokeOpacity = 0;
range.stroke = am4core.color(grading.color).lighten(-0.1);
range.label.inside = true;
range.label.text = grading.title.toUpperCase();
range.label.inside = true;
range.label.location = 0.5;
range.label.inside = true;
range.label.radius = am4core.percent(10);
range.label.paddingBottom = -5; // ~half font size
range.label.fontSize = "0.9em";
The idea is that a user can click on a range and change the value of the hand to point to it.
I've seen that axis labels are clickable, but can't find any events on ranges or similar.
You need to enable interactions on the range's axisFill
object as it is disabled by default. Once you do that, you can listen to the hit
event on it:
range.axisFill.interactionsEnabled = true; //required so that the hit event will trigger
range.axisFill.events.on('hit', function(ev) {
// ...