I am trying to add custom html <a href="state/alaseka"><a>
on each state of america as shown in map example out put would be something like this site "https://covidactnow.org/?s=1311324" and i am trying this as follow
am4core.ready(function() {
function am4themes_myTheme(target) {
if (target instanceof am4core.ColorSet) {
target.list = [
// Themes begin
// Themes end
// Create map instance
var chart = am4core.create("usstatemap", am4maps.MapChart);
// Set map definition
chart.geodata = am4geodata_usaLow;
// Set projection
chart.projection = new am4maps.projections.AlbersUsa();
var polygonSeries = chart.series.push(new am4maps.MapPolygonSeries());
// Create map polygon series polygonSeries
//Set min/max fill color for each area
property: "fill",
target: polygonSeries.mapPolygons.template,
min: chart.colors.getIndex(1).brighten(-0.3),
max: chart.colors.getIndex(1).brighten(1)
// Make map load polygon data (state shapes and names) from GeoJSON
polygonSeries.useGeodata = true;
stateName = {{ allStateName | safe }}
statePopulation = {{ allStatePopulation | safe }}
console.log("==========================act casess keyindicator3 =====================")
var data = [];
var id = "";
var value = "";
var expenses = "";
for(var i = 0; i < stateName.length; i++){
year =actdate[i]
//e.,g "US-"+actdate[i]
id ="US-"+actdate[i];
value = actdeath[i];
data.push({id:id, value:value,url:url});
console.log("==== state from us ap =======\t\t\t",data)
// Set heatmap values for each state
polygonSeries.data = data;
chart.events.on( "ready", updateCustomMarkers );
chart.events.on( "mappositionchanged", updateCustomMarkers );
// this function will take current images on the map and create HTML elements for them
function updateCustomMarkers( event ) {
// go through all of the images
polygonSeries.MapPolygon.each(function(image) {
// check if it has corresponding HTML element
if (!image.dummyData || !image.dummyData.externalElement) {
// create onex
image.dummyData = {
externalElement: createCustomMarker(image)
// reposition the element accoridng to coordinates
var xy = chart.geoPointToSVG( { longitude: image.longitude, latitude: image.latitude } );
image.dummyData.externalElement.style.top = xy.y + 'px';
image.dummyData.externalElement.style.left = xy.x + 'px';
// this function creates and returns a new marker element
function createCustomMarker( image ) {
var chart = image.dataItem.component.chart;
// create holder
var holder = document.createElement( 'a' );
holder.className = 'map-marker';
holder.title = image.dataItem.dataContext.title;
holder.style.position = 'absolute';
holder.href = 'www.google.com';
holder.target = '_parent';
// maybe add a link to it?
if ( undefined != image.url ) {
holder.onclick = function() {
window.location.href = image.url;
holder.className += 'map-clickable';
}//Set up heat legend
heatLegend = chart.createChild(am4maps.HeatLegend);
heatLegend.series = polygonSeries;
heatLegend.align = "right";
heatLegend.valign = "bottom";
heatLegend.width = am4core.percent(20);
heatLegend.marginRight = am4core.percent(4);
heatLegend.minValue = 0;
heatLegend.maxValue = 400000;
// Set up custom heat map legend labels using axis ranges
var minRange = heatLegend.valueAxis.axisRanges.create();
minRange.value = heatLegend.minValue;
minRange.label.text = "min";
var maxRange = heatLegend.valueAxis.axisRanges.create();
maxRange.value = heatLegend.maxValue;
maxRange.label.text = "max";// Set up custom heat map legend labels using axis ranges
// Blank out internal heat legend value axis labels
heatLegend.valueAxis.renderer.labels.template.adapter.add("text", function(labelText) {
return "";
// Configure series tooltip
var polygonTemplate = polygonSeries.mapPolygons.template;
polygonTemplate.tooltipText = "{name}: {value}";
polygonTemplate.nonScalingStroke = true;
polygonTemplate.strokeWidth = 0.5;
// Create hover state and set alternative fill color
var hs = polygonTemplate.states.create("hover");
hs.properties.fill = am4core.color("#3c5bdc");
i have used my data you can use the data from the amchart as link mentioned bellow for dummy data to be used and i am following exactly the same chart as in the link, https://www.amcharts.com/demos/us-heat-map/
i have resolve this question by adding this simple one line in the above code
polygonTemplate.propertyFields.url = "url";
to make this work you have to add the URL for each state into the data series object