I have a doubt on how to model the Stripe products / prices on my project.
Basically all my products by default will have 2 prices (standard / premium) and on the other side you can buy them just once (a standard payment) or create a weekly subscription for it.
The questions are:
Can i purchase a product one time if i define the price as recurring or maybe can i create a subscription if i define the price as one time? Maybe should i define all 4 prices and chose the correct one each time?
Is it a good idea to define multiple prices for a given product or should i create 4 products in this case?
I will potentially have thousands of products and i wouldn't like to touch any limit there, so the simpler i can keep this, the better.
Thanks a lot!
Just to clarify some things, if you're creating one time payments using PaymentIntents, you cannot use Prices for that (i.e. you pass an amount: 1000
to PaymentIntents, not a Price, and there is no "link" back to the Price or Product from a PaymentIntent).
That should answer your question "Can i purchase a product one time if i define the price as recurring".
Is it a good idea to define multiple prices for a given product
Yes, this is typically recommended.
maybe can i create a subscription if i define the price as one time?
Subscriptions only work with recurring