Search code examples

Elasticsearch Deleting all nested object with a specific datetime

I'm using Elasticsearch 5.6 and I have a schedule nested field with nested objects that look like this

              "status": "open",
              "starts_at": "2020-10-13T17:00:00-05:00",
              "ends_at": "2020-10-13T18:00:00-05:00"
              "status": "open",
              "starts_at": "2020-10-13T18:00:00-05:00",
              "ends_at": "2020-10-13T19:30:00-05:00"

what I'm looking for is a Painless query that will delete multiple nested objects that is equals to the starts_at field. I've tried multiple ways but none worked, they run correctly but don't delete the targeted objects


  • Was able to do this with looping over it and using SimpleDateFormat

    POST index/_update_by_query
        "script": {"source": "for(int i=0;i< ctx._source.schedule.length;i++){ 
                                   SimpleDateFormat sdformat = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd\\'T\\'HH:mm:ss'); 
                                   boolean equalDateTime = sdformat.parse(ctx._source.schedule[i].starts_at).compareTo(sdformat.parse(params.starts_at)) == 0; 
                                   if(equalDateTime) {
                               "params": {
                                          "starts_at": "2020-10-13T17:00:00-05:00"
                               "lang": "painless"
            "bool": {"must":[