I have an SVG file with dots in in straight line. What I want to achieve is when a user hover on the svg file the dots to become a smile like the attached image.
The transition need to be smooth.
What is the best approach here? Can I do it with only css or I should use js also?
With a SMIL animation, this is possible without any scripting. It morphs the cubic bezier path from straight to curved and back. The animation is triggered by mouseover
and mouseout
events over a transparent rectangle that sits on top of the line.
The line itself uses the combination of two little tricks: You can set a pathLength
as an attribute, so that stroke-dasharray
then computes dash lengths according to it. And for a stroke-dasharray: 0 1
in combination with stroke-linecap
, the zero-length dashes are displayed as dots with the stroke width as their diameter. Just play with the values for pathLength
and stroke-width
to change the distance of the dots and their size.
#line {
fill: none;
stroke: black;
stroke-width: 4;
stroke-dasharray: 0 1;
stroke-linecap: round;
#overlay {
opacity: 0;
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" width="150">
<path id="line" d="M 10 50 C 35 50 65 50 90 50" pathLength="15">
<animate attributeName="d" begin="overlay.mouseover" dur="0.3s"
fill="freeze" restart="whenNotActive"
from="M 10 50 C 35 50 70 50 90 50"
to="M 15 30 C 20 70 80 70 85 30"/>
<animate attributeName="d" begin="overlay.mouseout" dur="0.3s"
fill="freeze" restart="whenNotActive"
from="M 15 30 C 20 70 80 70 85 30"
to="M 10 50 C 35 50 65 50 90 50"/>
<rect id="overlay" width="100%" height="100%" />