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Stacked bar ggplot2 in R

I have a table like this: dput of data

structure(list(status = c("Recovered", "Dead", "On-Treatment"
), northern_countries = c(24130778L, 955048L, 15634207L), Southern_countries = c(9157967L, 
308243L, 726474L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L

        status northern_countries Southern_countries
1    Recovered           24130778            9157967
2         Dead             955048             308243
3 On-Treatment           15634207             726474

I would like to create a stacked bar plot that shows the percentage of Dead, Recovered and On treatments which 2 bars are northern_countries and southern_countries.

I've been searching around but couldn't find the answer :( Also I've just started with R so please if could you elucidate things in details I'd be much appreciated.

Thanks so much xoxo


  • Using ggplot2:

    Say df is the name of your data frame, first you need to transform it to long format with pivot_longer() from the tidyr package:

    df <- tidyr::pivot_longer(df, cols=-1)

    Obs: The -1 wont transform the first row into long. Then it should look something like this (sorry for bad quality):

    enter image description here

    So we want the name column in the x axis (one bar for each value in it), value in y, and each bar should be divided in colors by status, so we pass it to fill:

    ggplot(df, aes(x=name, y=value, fill=status) + geom_col()