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Make two 8 bits signal join eachother to a 16 bit signal in VHLD

I have a problem with combininig 2 signals. RS232 sends me a number 4 (8 bit) en then 5 (8 bit), togehter it is the number 45. My questions is how can I combine these number 4 and 5 to a 16 bit signal with the number 45 in vhdl? Also I have tried to count the two 8 bits signal and resized it but then i get a 16 bit signal with the number 9.


  • Something like the state machine bellow may help you if the idea is to gather both numbers in a single signal.

    process(clk, rst)
    if (rst = '1') then
         current_state <= FIRST_N;
         this_register <= (others => '0');
    elsif rising_edge(clk) then
        case current_state  is 
        when FIRST_N => 
            this_register   <= RS232_input * 10; 
            current_state   <= SECOND_N;
        when FIRST_N => 
            this_register   <= RS232_input + this_register; 
            current_state   <= FIRST_N ;                   
         end case;
    end if;   
    end process;

    Would something like this solve your problem?