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Is there a way to consistently sort type template parameters?

I have a class taking several template parameters :

template<typename... ELEMENTS>
class MyContainer;

By definition, MyContainer<A, B, C> is a different type than MyContainer<B, A, C>.

But in this case, I would like to avoid this: MyContainer<B, A, C> should be considered the same than MyContainer<A, B, C>.

So I thought that one way to "ignore" the order would be to standardize the order of the parameters. Have some template metaprogramming magic that would transform <B, A, C> or C, A, B> into <A, B, C>.

But I can't find any way to achieve this. Can you think of a clever trick to achieve that?

  • The ELEMENTS passed as template parameters all inherit from the same base class, so I can add whatever static member I want there.
  • But the codebase I'm working on doesn't have RTTI enabled, so I can't use typeid (although I think that it's not constexpr anyway).


  • As mentioned in the comments, to sort the types, you need a constexpr predicate. This could be manually assigning each type a static constexpr value which you can then compare. If that's not good enough, and you are using GCC, Clang or MSVC, you can use this to get a constexpr comparable value for a type.

    Using that as a comparator, and a constexpr merge-sort, I was able to get this to work (compiler explorer):

    #include <type_traits>
    #include <string_view>
    template <typename T>
    constexpr auto type_name() noexcept {
      std::string_view name = "Error: unsupported compiler", prefix, suffix;
    #ifdef __clang__
      name = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
      prefix = "auto type_name() [T = ";
      suffix = "]";
    #elif defined(__GNUC__)
      name = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
      prefix = "constexpr auto type_name() [with T = ";
      suffix = "]";
    #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
      name = __FUNCSIG__;
      prefix = "auto __cdecl type_name<";
      suffix = ">(void) noexcept";
      static_assert(false, "Unsupported compiler!");
      return name;
    template <class... Ts>
    struct list;
    template <template <class...> class Ins, class...> struct instantiate;
    template <template <class...> class Ins, class... Ts> 
    struct instantiate<Ins, list<Ts...>> {
        using type = Ins<Ts...>;
    template <template <class...> class Ins, class... Ts> 
    using instantiate_t = typename instantiate<Ins, Ts...>::type;
    template <class...> struct concat;
    template <class... Ts, class... Us>
    struct concat<list<Ts...>, list<Us...>>
        using type = list<Ts..., Us...>;
    template <class... Ts>
    using concat_t = typename concat<Ts...>::type;
    template <int Count, class... Ts>
    struct take;
    template <int Count, class... Ts>
    using take_t = typename take<Count, Ts...>::type;
    template <class... Ts>
    struct take<0, list<Ts...>> {
        using type = list<>;
        using rest = list<Ts...>;
    template <class A, class... Ts>
    struct take<1, list<A, Ts...>> {
        using type = list<A>;
        using rest = list<Ts...>;
    template <int Count, class A, class... Ts>
    struct take<Count, list<A, Ts...>> {
        using type = concat_t<list<A>, take_t<Count - 1, list<Ts...>>>;
        using rest = typename take<Count - 1, list<Ts...>>::rest;
    template <class... Types>
    struct sort_list;
    template <class... Ts>
    using sorted_list_t = typename sort_list<Ts...>::type;
    template <class A>
    struct sort_list<list<A>> {
        using type = list<A>;
    template <class Left, class Right>
    static constexpr bool less_than = type_name<Left>() < type_name<Right>();
    template <class A, class B>
    struct sort_list<list<A, B>> {
        using type = std::conditional_t<less_than<A, B>, list<A, B>, list<B, A>>;
    template <class...>
    struct merge;
    template <class... Ts>
    using merge_t = typename merge<Ts...>::type;
    template <class... Bs>
    struct merge<list<>, list<Bs...>> {
        using type = list<Bs...>;
    template <class... As>
    struct merge<list<As...>, list<>> {
        using type = list<As...>;
    template <class AHead, class... As, class BHead, class... Bs>
    struct merge<list<AHead, As...>, list<BHead, Bs...>> {
        using type = std::conditional_t<less_than<AHead, BHead>, 
            concat_t<list<AHead>, merge_t<list<As...>, list<BHead, Bs...>>>, 
            concat_t<list<BHead>, merge_t<list<AHead, As...>, list<Bs...>>>
    template <class... Types>
    struct sort_list<list<Types...>> {
        static constexpr auto first_size = sizeof...(Types) / 2;
        using split = take<first_size, list<Types...>>;
        using type = merge_t<
            sorted_list_t<typename split::type>, 
            sorted_list_t<typename split::rest>>;
    template <class... Ts>
    struct MyActualContainer {
    template <class... Ts>
    using MyContainer = instantiate_t<MyActualContainer, sorted_list_t<list<Ts...>>>;
    struct a {
    struct b {
    struct c {
        MyContainer<a, b, c, c, c>, 
        MyContainer<c, b, c, a, c>>);

    Note that MyContainer is an alias that sorts its parameters and instantiates MyActualContainer with the sorted parameters, rather than the container itself.