I found a formatting variation of the currency depending of your locale string value. I mean, I understand it depends of the local keyboard language. My question is if it's possible to force a currency format not depending of the local keyboard language. Here's an example
Locale("es", "ES"), // Spanish - Spain
Locale("en", "ES"), // English - Spain
Locale("es", "MX"), // Spanish - Mexico
Locale("en", "MX"), // English - Mexico
* Currency: MXN
* Locale: es_ES Formatted value: 1.234,56 MXN
* Locale: en_ES Formatted value: MXN1,234.56
* Locale: es_MX Formatted value: $1,234.56
* Locale: en_MX Formatted value: MXN1,234.56
val format: NumberFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance()
format.maximumFractionDigits = 2
format.currency = Currency.getInstance("MXN")
for example I want to always get the en_ES format I don't know if it's possible to make
Thank you so much
Pass the desired Locale to getCurrencyInstance()
val format = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale("es", "MX"))