I'm trying to add an Object3D to my gltf model and place it above the model. I'm doing it the following way:
this.el.addEventListener('model-loaded', () => {
this.bar = new MyCustomObject3D();
const size = new THREE.Vector3();
let box = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(this.el.object3D);
let height = size.y + 1;
this.bar.position.set(0, height, 0);
this.el.setObject3D("bar", this.bar);
// same result:
// this.el.object3D.add(this.bar);
The height
is 2 and if I placed an element with this position into root (i.e. scene) it would be placed correctly right above the model. But when I add it to the Object3D
it's being placed somewhere below the model on height ~0.5. Only by multiplying the height by 25 I could achieve the right position.
So how to calculate the exact offset needed to place the new Object3D
above the model without multiplying it to a random number?
Adding reproducible example. Note the width and height I had to pass to GLTF model.
One way of placing objects above a model, would be grabbing its bounding box, and placing an object above it.
In general, it it simple - just like you did it:
let box = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(this.el.object3D);
let height = size.y + 1;
this.bar.position.set(0, height, 0);
But in this case - the bounding box is off. Way off. The minimum is way too low, and the maximum is somewhere in the middle. Why is that? (tldr: check it out here)
The cuprit is: skinning. The model is transformed by its bones - which is a form of vertex displacement that happens on the GPU (vertex shader), and has nothing to do with the geometry (source).
Here is some visual aid - the model with its armature:
And without the armature applied:
Now we see why the box is off - its corresponding to the bottom picture! So we need to re-create what the bones are doing to the geometry:
1. The hard route
2. The easy route
While looking into this, I've made a utility function THREE.Box3Utils.fromSkinnedMesh(mesh, box3);
- box3 will be the bounding box of the model at the time when the function is called.
The function is a part of this repo.
Its used on this example.