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NSwag add x-enum-varnames tag to all enums

Is it possible to add x-enum-varnames to all enums in NSwag? I have this example but then you have to specify all the enums. Is there a more generic solution? Also, this example creates a second instance ResultCode2 which I don't understand.

public class NSwagProcessor : IOperationProcessor
    public bool Process( OperationProcessorContext context )
        JsonSchema schema = JsonSchema.FromType<ResultCode>();
        if( schema.ExtensionData == null )
            schema.ExtensionData = new Dictionary<string, object>();

        string[] enumerationNames = new string[ schema.EnumerationNames.Count ];
        schema.EnumerationNames.CopyTo( enumerationNames, 0 );
        schema.ExtensionData.Add( "x-enum-varnames", enumerationNames );

        if( context.Settings.TypeMappers.Any( t => t.MappedType == typeof( ResultCode ) ) == false )
            context.Settings.TypeMappers.Add( new ObjectTypeMapper( typeof( ResultCode ), schema ) );

        return true;


services.AddOpenApiDocument( config => {
    config.OperationProcessors.Add( new NSwagProcessor() );
} );

This creates:

"ResultCode": {
    "type": "integer",
    "description": "",
    "x-enumNames": [
    "enum": [


"ResultCode2": {
    "title": "ResultCode",
    "type": "integer",
    "description": "",
    "x-enumNames": [
    "enum": [
    "x-enum-varnames": [


  • I think the best solution for me was to set json serialization of enums to string:

    services.AddControllers().AddJsonOptions( options =>
        options.JsonSerializerOptions.Converters.Add( new JsonStringEnumConverter() );