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How to output Apache Camel metrics like metrics:timer:simple.timer to Prometheus using Micrometer format with /actuator/prometheus

Based on the Camel's metrics documentation, I'd like to meter 2 different timers within one route:

    public void configure() {
                        sourceId, mqttHost, mqttTopic, mqttPort, mqttProtocol, authenticated,
                        username, password, mqttVersion, maxReadRate, qualityOfService
                .to("metrics:timer:simple.timer1?action=start") //here starts the first one
                .to(String.format("kafka:%s?brokers=%s", sourceId, kafkaBrokerUrls))
                .to("metrics:timer:simple.timer1?action=stop") //here ends the first one
                .to("metrics:timer:simple.timer2?action=start") //here starts the second one
                .process(new Processor() {
                    public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
                        exchange.getIn().setHeader("CamelCacheKey", sourceId);
                        exchange.getIn().setHeader("CamelCacheOperation", "Update");
                .to(String.format("cache://%s?maxElementsInMemory=10&eternal=true", sourceId))
                .to("metrics:timer:simple.timer2?action=stop") //here ends the second one

i.e. take 2 timers from two different parts of route instead of the whole route statistics like

CamelRoutePolicy_seconds_count{camelContext="camel-1",failed="false",routeId="ESP_01.Handle_Movement",serviceName="MicrometerRoutePolicyService",} 137.0
CamelRoutePolicy_seconds_sum{camelContext="camel-1",failed="false",routeId="ESP_01.Handle_Movement",serviceName="MicrometerRoutePolicyService",} 1.200024598

as it is calculated automatically for the whole route. The set up of Micrometer format metrics output to /actuator/prometheus for obtaining the CamelRoutePolicy_seconds_ is taken from this question: Send Apache Camel Actuator Metrics to Prometheus

However, my expectation was that the custome metrics metrics:timer:simple.timer2, metrics:timer:simple.timer1 will be also here and shown among the CamelRoutePolicy_seconds_

But it is not there. What I should set up in order to get it too?


  • So, the long story short: Apache Camel's Metrics component is not the same as Micrometer

    I was needed the Micrometer. So, in all routes I had to replace metrics: with micrometer: and everything has worked. Please also consider that dependencies (looks like both are needed):
