while (read.hasNext()) {
String roomType = read.nextLine();
int rooms = read.nextInt();
double price = read.nextDouble();
double roomIncome = (double) (rooms*price);
double tax = (double) (price*rooms*defaultTax);
double totalIncome = roomIncome;
System.out.println("Room type: " + roomType + " | No. of rooms: " + rooms + " | Room price: " + price + " | income: " + roomIncome + " | tax: " + tax);
System.out.println("The total room income is: " + totalIncome);
I need to add together all the roomIncome's together to give a totalIncome output. Currently my output is:
Room type: Single | No. of rooms: 5 | Room price: 23.5 | income: 118.5 | tax: 23.5
The total room income is: 117.5
Room type: Double | No. of rooms: 3 | Room price: 27.5 | income: 83.5 | tax: 16.5
The total room income is: 82.5
Room type: Suite | No. of rooms: 2 | Room price: 50.0 | income: 101.0 | tax: 20.0
The total room income is: 100.0
my expected output should be the total of all roomIncome added together. So in this case it should add up to 300. Instead it has added 1 to roomIncome and given me an output of 100
If you want to print total income for all rooms types combined, you need to maintain variable outside the loop and keep on adding values inside the loop, as below:
double allRoomsTotalIncome = 0.0;
while (read.hasNext()) {
String roomType = read.nextLine();
int rooms = read.nextInt();
double price = read.nextDouble();
double roomIncome = (double) (rooms*price);
double tax = (double) (price*rooms*defaultTax);
double totalIncome = roomIncome;
allRoomsTotalIncome = allRoomsTotalIncome + totalIncome;
System.out.println("Room type: " + roomType + " | No. of rooms: " + rooms + " | Room price: " + price + " | income: " + roomIncome + " | tax: " + tax);
System.out.println("The total room income is: " + allRoomsTotalIncome);