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Can diskpart take command line parameters? Or can I fake them with powershell?

I understand I can use diskpart /s to script diskpart

attach vdisk readonly
compact vdisk
detach vdisk

And then run it with:

diskpart /s scriptname.txt /t 15

But can I add command lime parameters to diskpart? Eg so I can specify the VHDX file by the command line?

If that's not possible, faking command line parameters with a Powershell wrapper to make the diskpart script dynamically might also be an option.


  • You can pipe to diskpart. I'd read the file and replace your values when the file contents are retrieved:

    $diskPath = c:\disk.vhd
    (Get-Content scriptname.txt) -replace 'FILE_SUPPLIED_BY_COMMAND_LIME_PARAMETER',$diskPath | diskpart 

    You can use a string and bypass reading a file:

    $diskPath = 'c:\disk.vhd'
    select vdisk file=$diskPath
    attach vdisk readonly
    compact vdisk
    detach vdisk
    "@ | diskpart

    If you want to use parameters, then you will need a function or script block. Using a script block:

    # scriptname.txt contents
    select vdisk file=$($args[0])
    attach vdisk readonly
    compact vdisk
    detach vdisk
    "@ | diskpart
    # The string argument for Invoke(argument) is passed to args[0]
    [Scriptblock]::Create((Get-Content scriptname.txt -Raw)).Invoke('file path') 

    Using a function:

    function Run-Diskpart {
    select vdisk file=$diskPath
    attach vdisk readonly
    compact vdisk
    detach vdisk
    "@ | diskpart
    Run-DiskPart 'c:\disk.vhd'