I want to duplicate a sheet that has a dynamic sheet name containing today's date. However, I'm facing naming the new duplicated sheet. What do I input instead of the last line?
Sub Duplicate()
' Duplicate Macro
' duplication of OIP sheet
Dim myDate
myDate = Date
Dim LValue As String
LValue = "OIP " & Format(myDate, "mm.dd.yyyy")
Sheets(LValue).Copy Before:=Sheets(7)
Sheets(LValue (2)).Name = "Advanced Filters"
End Sub
It would be best to add the date to the "Advanced Filters" worksheet to make it consistent with the original worksheet's naming convention.
Say you manage to create the "Advanced Filters" worksheet, how are you going to reference it later on in code?
It takes a little extra time but you should create functions to return the names of the worksheets and functions to return references to the them. The work done up front will pay off in the long run.
Dim TodaysOIPAdvancedFilters As Worksheet
Set TodaysOIPAdvancedFilters = OIPAdvancedFiltersWorksheetByDate(Date, True)
Sub Duplicate()
OIPAdvancedFiltersWorksheetByDate Date, True
End Sub
Public Function OIPWorksheetByDate(DateOf As Date) As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
Set OIPWorksheetByDate = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(OIPWorksheetName(DateOf))
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Public Function OIPAdvancedFiltersWorksheetByDate(DateOf As Date, Optional CreateIfNotExists As Boolean) As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
Set OIPAdvancedFiltersWorksheetByDate = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(OIPAdvancedFiltersWorksheetName(DateOf))
On Error GoTo 0
If OIPAdvancedFiltersWorksheetByDate Is Nothing And CreateIfNotExists Then
Dim SourceWorksheet As Worksheet
Set SourceWorksheet = OIPWorksheetByDate(DateOf)
If SourceWorksheet Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "OIP Worksheet for " & DateOf & " not found", vbCritical, "Action Cancelled"
Exit Function
End If
On Error Resume Next
SourceWorksheet.Copy Before:=SourceWorksheet
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet.Index - 1).Name = OIPAdvancedFiltersWorksheetName(DateOf)
Set OIPAdvancedFiltersWorksheetByDate = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet.Index - 1)
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End Function
Private Function OIPWorksheetName(DateOf As Date) As String
Const DateFormat As String = "\O\I\P mm.dd.yyyy"
OIPWorksheetName = Format(DateOf, DateFormat)
End Function
Private Function OIPAdvancedFiltersWorksheetName(DateOf As Date) As String
Const DateFormat As String = "\O\I\P mm.dd.yyyy \A\d\v\a\n\c\e\d \F\i\l\t\e\r\s"
OIPAdvancedFiltersWorksheetName = Format(DateOf, DateFormat)
End Function
Use this sub to compare the worksheet names in the immediate window:
Sub CompareNames()
Const DateFormat As String = "\O\I\P mm.dd.yyyy"
Debug.Print "["; ActiveSheet.Name; "]"
Debug.Print "["; Format(#11/10/2020#, DateFormat); "]"
End Sub
Check for extra spaces and make sure that the I in OIP is not an L.