I'm getting the above error on the second, of what look like identical (to me) pieces of code! They both use the standard react-datepicker package. First:
<label>Date Terminated</label>
value={this.state.edit_course.date_terminated || null}
onChange={(e) => this.handleDetailChangeCourse("date_terminated", e.target.value)}
<label>Date Terminated</label>
value={this.state.edit_prereq.date_terminated_prereq || null}
onChange={(e) => this.handleDetailChangePrereqs("date_terminated", e.target.value)}
As soon as the handleDetailChangePrereqs() call is made the error occurs during the render.
The two handle routines look like this:
handleDetailChangeCourse(prop, value) {
if (prop === "date_terminated") {
console.log(`date: ${value}`)
console.log(typeof value)
const index = this.state.index
const courses = this.state.temp_courses
courses[index][prop] = value
this.setState({ temp_courses: courses });
handleDetailChangePrereqs(prop, value) {
if (prop === "date_terminated") {
console.log(`date: ${value}`)
console.log(typeof value)
const index = this.state.prereqIndex
const prereqs = this.state.temp_prereqs
prereqs[index][prop] = value
this.setState(() => ({ temp_prereqs: prereqs }));
When I run the code and select/enter a date for the first control handleDetailChangeCourse)() it works fine and outputs the following:
date: 1608069600000
But when I do the same for the second control handleDetailChangePrereqs() it errors after giving me this output:
date1: 1608069600000
I understand the error message, and having read lots of solutions on this site most of them usually final they are rendering an object and not what they thought was a string. I seem to be rendering an object in both cases but the first one works.
Having spent many hours logging out all sort of information I am lost as to what else I can look at. There are other DateControl calls within this same program and they work fine too. It is the second one that also renders an object's .date_terminated property that fails (albeit a separate object in each case).
The DateControl component looks like this:
setDate(selected_date) {
target: {
name: this.props.name,
value: selected_date
render() {
return (
placeholderText={this.props.readOnly ? "" : "DD/MM/YYYY"}
selected={this.props.value ? moment(this.props.value): null}
onChange={(date) => { this.setDate(date) } }
Thanks to Shyam and Vishal for suggesting that I created a sandbox. I spent quite a bit of time preparing some code to do just that before seeing where my problem was!
As I stated in my question: "I understand the error message, and having read lots of solutions on this site most of them usually final they are rendering an object and not what they thought was a string."
And I was doing just that.
The problem was not where I had decided it was before asking this question, it was elsewhere:
{ item.date_terminated_prereq }
As can be seen from the above code segment I was actually displaying the changed date as part of a table. The moment it rendered I got the error message.
So the learning that has come from this for me, is that everywhere on StackOverflow I have seen mention of this issue it has been because an 'object' was being displayed accidentally, or unknowingly. I should have taken that in good faith and looked for it as a problem in my code, rather than stubbornly think the error was with the <DateControl />.
Note to reviewer: Should I just delete this whole question as my answer is more philosophical than practical?