I want to print name of object witch i am pointing on (with crosshari). I wrote some scripts witch allows me to highlight object by looking at it (included below). Can you tel me how can i add a line of code doind this (print name of object witch i am pointing on)?
`public class SelectionManager : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private string selectableTag = "Selectable";
private ISelectionResponse _selectionResponse;
private Transform _selection;
private void Awake()
_selectionResponse = GetComponent<ISelectionResponse>();
private void Update()
if (_selection != null) _selectionResponse.OnDeselect(_selection);
var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
_selection = null;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out var hit))
var selection = hit.transform;
if (selection.CompareTag(selectableTag) || (selection.CompareTag("Stool_square1")))
//string name = gameObject.name;
_selection = selection;
if (_selection != null) _selectionResponse.OnSelect(_selection);
using UnityEngine;
public class OutlineSelectionResponse : MonoBehaviour, ISelectionResponse
public void OnSelect(Transform selection)
var outline = selection.GetComponent<Outline>();
if (outline != null) outline.OutlineWidth = 2;
public void OnDeselect(Transform selection)
var outline = selection.GetComponent<Outline>();
if (outline != null) outline.OutlineWidth = 0;
using UnityEngine;
internal interface ISelectionResponse
void OnSelect(Transform selection);
void OnDeselect(Transform selection);
try some thing like hit.collider.name