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How do I use scale_color_manual in Python?

I've been using ggplot for a long time now and am very comfortable using it in R. I am working in Python right now for school and I am having the toughest time understanding this error. When I try to use scale_color_manual to manually assign colors to my variable called "CellTypeOther" which has unique values 0/1, I keep getting the following error:

NameError: name 'c' is not defined

Here is my code to create the ggplot:

from plotnine import * 
plot = (
  ggplot(Y_tsne,aes(x = 'X',y = 'Y'))
   + geom_point(aes(color = 'CellTypeOther'),alpha = 0.4,size = 2)
   + scale_color_manual(c("blue","red"))

The plot renders fine without the last line. Does anyone have any clue as to what might be going on? I can't share my data because it is sensitive.

Important note: I am using the plotnine Python module to utilize ggplot2.


  • You should use [] rather than c() in python:

    enter image description here