I have two tabs Product-Overview
and Prices
On the Prices
-tab I would like to add my data and get an overview on the financials tab.
I was trying to use index-match
, however if there are several values in the same month in my Prices
-tab I am not sure how to sum the up?
I would like to get the following result:
Find below my minimum viable example as google sheet:
Any suggestions how to do this?
delete column D and use this in D2:
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(A2:A="";;TEXT(B2:B; "mm/yy")))
then you can do this:
=QUERY(Prices!A2:D; "select A,sum(C) where A is not null group by A pivot D")
and more advanced in O5:
"select A,sum(C) where A is not null group by A pivot D");
"select sum(C) where A is not null group by A pivot D");
"limit 0"; 1); 0)+1; 0))*1)))
of course B5 can be:
then D5 can be:
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(B5:B="";;"Product "®EXEXTRACT(TO_TEXT(B5:B); ".(\d+)")))
average N5 can be done like:
"select "&TEXTJOIN(","; 1; IF(B5:B="";;
"select Col2"))
generating dates in O1 like:
DATEVALUE("1/11/2050"))); "mm/yy"))); 1; COLUMNS(O1:1)-1))
and years in O2 like: