I have a custom Window Hint within QMainWindow, I need to place QMenuBar under a row of layout
This is how it looks now
And how it looks like in QtDesigner
How to place QMenuBar under custom task bar
First of all, there's no way to do this right in QtDesigner
I found a way to replace it by directly changing *.ui file
First step is to open *.ui file in text editor (I'm using PyCharm with *.xml extension)
Second step is look how grid layout works, basically it built like
HTML tag with few options like row
, column
, rowspan
, colspan
first two of them are position of the item and other two for positioning
Following step is to find our QMenuBar widget (my is on 142-154 lines)
copy and move on
Then we need to create a new item tag in layout tag
This is the beginning of layout tag, create a tag after it
Then add coordinates of QMenuBar that you want (mine is row="1" column="0" colspan="5")
And paste QMenuBar tag into it, then correct indentation
Now save the file and look at it in QtDesigner
Using PyUic reveals none problem