Is it possible to have different permalink settings for different directories?
For example, if I have a Jekyll setup where blog entries are written into /blog/_posts/
and news items in /news/_posts
, then by default each entry will have permalinks in the format /blog/2011/06/24/slug.html
and /news/2011/06/24/slug.html
The permalinks for blog entries are fine as they are, but I need to change the permalinks format for news to something different, say /news/2011/slug
I've tried changing the permalink
settings in the YAML front matter for the layout used by news item, however, this does not work since permalink settings in YAML front matter are not interpolated (as confirmed in the answer to this question).
Is there a mechanism to configure path specific settings in _config.yaml
? Or is there a better what to achieve this results?
The only way you can achieve that is by having two different jekyll instances.
You could have (for example) a full site with the pages and blogs, and a "microsite" inside the news folder, with it's own ´_config.yaml´ . The "top" would have to ignore the news directory completely, and the news directory would have to be configured to generate its output inside "../_site/news".
The biggest hurdle would be that you would not be able to run Jekyll as a server; you would have to use a script (i.e. a Rakefile) to generate the static pages for both jekylls, and serve them with a different server (i.e. unicorn).
Like I said, it'd be a bit of a hurdle, but doable in 1h or less.