We have a Spring Data Rest API built on Spring-Boot 1.5.9 being called from an upgraded (spring-boot 2.2.4) OpenFeign/Hateoas client.
Since upgrading the client we are hitting database constraint exceptions in the API because of "&" chars in several Person entity fields being html escaped. For example,
is passed as
Is there a way to disable this encoding?
@FeignClient(contextId = "person", name = "PERSON-DATA", configuration = {FeignClientSecurityConfiguration.class, FeignConfig.class})
public interface MyClient {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, value = "/api/orders/{personId}")
EntityModel<Person> updatePerson(@PathVariable("personId") String personId, Person person);
I was able to resolve this by setting preferred http convertor to gson which has a property to disable html escaping.