In he following piece of code, every helloX()
method runs asynchronously (it's a deferred Mono that runs in a separate thread), see full code below):
override fun helloEverybody(): Kind<ForMonoK, String> {
return MonoK.monad().fx.monad {
val j = !helloJoey()
val j2 = !helloJohn()
val j3 = !helloMary()
"$j and $j2 and $j3"
However in the logs I see that they are run secuentially:
14:10:46.983 [main] DEBUG reactor.util.Loggers$LoggerFactory - Using Slf4j logging framework
14:10:47.084 [elastic-2] INFO com.codependent.kotlinarrow.service.HelloServiceImpl - helloJoey()
14:10:49.087 [elastic-2] INFO com.codependent.kotlinarrow.service.HelloServiceImpl - helloJoey() - ready
14:10:49.090 [elastic-3] INFO com.codependent.kotlinarrow.service.HelloServiceImpl - helloJohn()
14:10:54.091 [elastic-3] INFO com.codependent.kotlinarrow.service.HelloServiceImpl - helloJohn() - ready
14:10:54.092 [elastic-2] INFO com.codependent.kotlinarrow.service.HelloServiceImpl - helloMary()
14:10:59.095 [elastic-2] INFO com.codependent.kotlinarrow.service.HelloServiceImpl - helloMary() - ready
hello Joey and hello John and hello Mary
How could I make them execute in parallel and aggregate all the results in the monad comprehension once all of them have finished?
Full code with main method():
class HelloServiceImpl : HelloService<ForMonoK> {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)
override fun helloEverybody(): Kind<ForMonoK, String> {
return MonoK.monad().fx.monad {
val j = !helloJoey()
val j2 = !helloJohn()
val j3 = !helloMary()
"$j and $j2 and $j3"
override fun helloJoey(): Kind<ForMonoK, String> {
return Mono.defer {"helloJoey()")
sleep(2000)"helloJoey() - ready")
Mono.just("hello Joey")
override fun helloJohn(): Kind<ForMonoK, String> {
return Mono.defer {"helloJohn()")
sleep(5000)"helloJohn() - ready")
Mono.just("hello John")
override fun helloMary(): Kind<ForMonoK, String> {
return Mono.defer {"helloMary()")
sleep(5000)"helloMary() - ready")
Mono.just("hello Mary")
fun main() {
val countDownLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
HelloServiceImpl().helloEverybody().fix().mono.subscribe {
I've adapted the method to combine a sequential operation with a parallel one:
override fun helloEverybody(): Kind<ForMonoK, String> {
return MonoK.async().fx.async {
val j = helloJoey().bind()
val j2= Dispatchers.IO
.parMapN(helloJohn(), helloMary()){ it1, it2 -> "$it1 and $it2" }
"$j and $j2"
Unfortunatelly parMapN can'be be used with ForMonoK:
Type inference failed: fun <A, B, C, D> CoroutineContext.parMapN(fa: Kind<ForIO, A>, fb: Kind<ForIO, B>, fc: Kind<ForIO, C>, f: (A, B, C) -> D): IO<D>
cannot be applied to
receiver: CoroutineDispatcher arguments: (Kind<ForMonoK, String>,Kind<ForMonoK, String>,Kind<ForMonoK, String>,(String, String, String) -> String)
, same as map
, don't have thread semantics or parallelism. What you're after is called parMap
and parTraverse
, which runs several MonoK
in parallel.
At that point the fx
block becomes innecessary, as it's designed for sequential operations. You can mix and match both.
MonoK.async().fx.async {
val result =
.parMap(helloJoey(), helloMary()) { joe, mary -> ... }