Is it possible to use a mixin imported from a VueJS plugin in one component?
I've created a plugin and when I import it I can access the mixin's functions from all my components.
Is there a way to make it available in only one component ? or all the plugin add global-level functionality to Vue by definition?
You can register a mixin either globally, either locally. If you don't register a mixin globally, it will be only available in components where it is locally registered. So, with local registration, you can make a mixin available in only specific components.
Registering globally: you just need to declare it in the main.js
Nb: you don't need to register the mixin in components
// main.js
import myMixin from './mixins/myMixin'
Vue.mixin(myMixin) // makes the plugin globally available
new Vue({
// ...
// main.js
import myMixin from './mixins/myMixin'
const app = createApp(App)
app.mixin(myMixin) // makes the plugin globally available
Registering locally: you do NOT declare it in the main.js
file, and you register the mixin in the relevant components
// componentWithMixin.vue
import myMixins from "../mixins/myMixin"
export default {
// ...
mixins: [myMixins] // importing the mixin - without this line, the mixin can't be available