hope to find you well and healthy :)
I have one jinja loop which is working, unfortunately not the way I would like :|
Short story:
Using salt-run for orchestration, minion targeting is accomplished by passing the pre-defined nodegroup as a pillar
{% set minions = salt.saltutil.runner('cache.mine', tgt=nodegroup,tgt_type='nodegroup').keys() %}
{% for minion_id in minions %}
patch-n1-{{ minion_id }}:
- tgt: {{ minion_id }}
- sls:
- patching.patch-n1
- pillar:
minion_id: {{ minion_id }}
reboot_minion-{{ minion_id }}:
- name: cmd.run_bg
- arg:
- 'salt-call system.reboot 1'
- tgt: {{ minion_id }}
{% endfor %}
The problem is that with this loop both tasks are executed minion by minion. In my case, this is not efficient ...
If remove the loop both states are applied however again doesn't help so much.
Main goal is to apply patch-n1-{{ minion_id }} and reboot_minion-{{ minion_id }} for each minion in the nodegroup indipended from each other. Or said in a different way I need a for loop which to work simultaneously for all minions in it.
Do you have any ideas about that? Thanks!
When we target minions by globbing, or nodegroups, the defined states will be applied to them in parallel. So one way to achieve this is by moving the "reboot minion" functionality into the state file patch-n1.sls
Example /srv/salt/patch-n1.sls
# Some tasks to perform patching, just using 'include' for example
# from /srv/salt/patching/os_pkg.sls
- patching.os_pkg
- name: system.reboot
And in orchestrate /srv/salt/orch/patch_all.sls
- tgt: group1
- tgt_type: nodegroup
- sls:
- patch-n1
- tgt: group2
- tgt_type: nodegroup
- sls:
- patch-n2
When we run the orchestration, the each minion will run patching and reboot in parallel.