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How to iterate an object retrieved by Fetch API in VueJS?

I have a data Object resulting by Fetch:

   data () {
      return {
        show: true,
        interval: {},
        dadosCliente: {},
        radio: ''

 fetchNome() {
             .then(response => response.json())
             .then(data => {
                this.dadosCliente = data             
       = false;

Output dadosCliente:


When I try to iterate v-for in v-radio (vuetify) I receive message saying which item is not declared.

<v-radio-group v-model="radio" mandatory> 
      <v-radio :v-for="item in dadosCliente" :key="item.nome" :label="`${item.nome}`"></v-radio>

Speding a time reading some articles, posts, but I couldnt finish it. Anyone can help me ?


  • You shouldn't use binding sign : with directives like v-if or v-for it should be like:

    v-for="item in dadosCliente"