I've got an animated gif which functions fine on its own. It's supposed to act as a transition between 2 pages (from level 1 to level 2). It is called by :
setTimeout(function () {
window.location.href = "level1-2.html"; //redirect
}, 3000);
The setTimeout is not the problem, I have the same problem without it. The only picture displayed is the last one of the gif. I don't want that gif to loop.
If I click "Reload", the animation plays. But I can't write "reload" in the code of the page or it will reload forever. I thought of setting a cookie and reloading only if it's unset, but I'm already using cookies for global variables and I'm reluctant to overdo it.
I found an answer online :
window.location.href = "level1-2.html" + "?a="+Math.random(); //redirect
To fool the browser into thinking it's a new url. But mine doesn't get fooled (Firefox).
Converting the animated gif into a video could maybe solve this, but it would make loading time longer, wouldn't it?
All sugestions welcome.
are you trying to modify the URL without reloading to "fool" the browser? if so, this may work:
window.history.pushState( , , 'level1-2.html');
it uses the History API