Search code examples

delete all elements which is less than a value in Elasticsearch

I have the following saved json data in Elasticsearch:

   "work":"software dev",
   "work":"software engi",

i want to delete all list of ids which its expirationDate are smaller than today using QueryBuilder in springdata Elasticsearch


  • Well, delete by query is the way to go.

    POST /{your_index_name}/_delete_by_query
      "query": {
        "range": {
          "expirationDate": {
            "lt": "{your_timestamp}"

    The java client documentation indicates you can build a request this way:

    BulkByScrollResponse response =
      new DeleteByQueryRequestBuilder(client, DeleteByQueryAction.INSTANCE)
        .filter(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("gender", "male")) 
    long deleted = response.getDeleted();

    This is marked as supported by Spring-data-elasticsearch since version 3.2.

    You can for example use query derivation :

    In addition to query methods, query derivation for both count and delete queries is available.

    In the Appendix C, you can see that IsLessThan is a query derivation keyword, which means something along these lines ought to be supported out of the box : 

    interface YourRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Long> {
      long deleteByExpirationDateIsLessThan(long timestamp);

    By using query derivation, you are letting spring do the implementation (fingers crossed that it will do "the right thing").

    But you can also use a ElasticsearchRestTemplate#delete (if you are using the older ElasticsearchTemplate, this works the same).

    This allows you to pass in any spring-data query (Native, String, or criteria).