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Convert between OpenCV Mat and Leptonica Pix

I need to convert between OpenCV Mat image and Leptonica Pix image formats in C++. This is being used for binarization of 8bit gray images.


  • I know that i'm about 4 years late and nobody cares, but this task has frustrated me a lot 'cause leptonica's documentation is just awful.
    The problem with @loot's answer is that it does not work with colored images, so here is my (maybe crude) modification of his pix8ToMat:

    cv::Mat pixToMat(Pix *pix) {
        int width = pixGetWidth(pix);
        int height = pixGetHeight(pix);
        int depth = pixGetDepth(pix);
        cv::Mat mat(cv::Size(width, height), depth == 1 ? CV_8UC1 : CV_8UC3);
        for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
                if (depth == 1) {
                    l_uint32 val;
                    pixGetPixel(pix, x, y, &val);
          <uchar>(cv::Point(x, y)) = static_cast<uchar>(255 * val);
                } else {
                    l_int32 r, g, b;
                    pixGetRGBPixel(pix, x, y, &r, &g, &b);
                    cv::Vec3b color(b, g, r);
          <cv::Vec3b>(cv::Point(x, y)) = color;
        return mat;