I would like to have 2D bouncy balls physics. It is with Unity Physics 2D. I set bounciness 1 and friction 0. I tested it on flat floor and here are issues I see:
Ball: Ball Rigidbody2D & Collider2D screenshot components, Ball physics material screenshot
Walls: Wall Collider2D screenshot
Video showing the balls(starts at 0:06) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIo84AMMbgI&feature=emb_logo
What should I do? to have
A guy on Unity forum told that the balls stop at walls might be the Physics2D.velocityThreshold set above zero. We checked and it solved the issue that balls stop X movement near walls. He also said box2d works only approx so maybe no way to make balls bounce 100% precise. So maybe I will have to forget about 100% bouncy balls.