Let's say I have an array of 256 character/strings that are either "1" or "0"
So something like
["1","1","0","0","1","0", ...]
I need to turn this in an ArrayBuffer (The individuals bits are a SHA-256 hash)
What is the easiest way to fill the 32 byte ArrayBuffer, with each from the array.
You can use join, to join 8 bits together, and then use parseInt with 2 as the radix to convert the binary number, and then place in the arrayBuffer.
Below is an example.
//lets make some demo data.
const data = new Array(256).fill().map(m => Math.random() < 0.5 ? '1' : '0');
//convert data of '0', '1' into ArrayBuffer
const buffer = new Uint8Array(32);
let bpos = 0;
for (let l = 0; l < data.length; l += 8) {
const b = data.slice(l, l + 8).join('');
buffer[bpos] = parseInt(b, 2);
bpos += 1;