I have a json with records like this:
and want to select (filter) a record with a max or min value of the field "number".
I can get a min or max value of "number" like this:
$ echo '[{"number":1},{"number":3}]' | jq ' [ .[].number ] | min'
(emits 1)
and I can output booleans:
$ echo '[{"number":1},{"number":3}]' | jq '.[].number==([ .[].number ] | min)'
but when I try to put that together with select, it fails:
$ echo '[{"number":1},{"number":3}]' | jq 'map(select(.[].number==([ .[].number ] | min)))'
jq: error (at <stdin>:1): Cannot index number with string "number"
I feel like I am close, but stuck. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
([ .[].number ] | min) as $m| map(select(.number== $m))
See https://jqplay.org/s/bUwtNrfAE-
To retrieve the first minimal item:
([ .[].number ] | min) as $m| first(.[]|select(.number== $m))
jq has the built-ins max_by
and min_by
, as documented at
For a definition of maximal_by
, see the jq cookbook at https://github.com/stedolan/jq/wiki/Cookbook#find-the-maximal-elements-of-an-array-or-stream. That section also has stream-oriented definitions.