I'm trying to execute this query to an Oracle 19c database:
Field<JSON> employee = DSL.field("employee", JSON.class);
Table<Record1<JSON>> employees = dsl
.select(jsonObject(jsonEntry("id", EMPLOYEE.ID), jsonEntry("name", EMPLOYEE.NAME), jsonEntry("phones",
jsonObject(jsonEntry("number", PHONE.PHONENUMBER), jsonEntry("type", PHONE.TYPE)))
String json = dsl
But I get
org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: jOOQ; bad SQL grammar
[select json_arrayagg("alias_113372058".employee) from
(select json_object(key ? value "EMPLOYEE"."ID", key ? value "EMPLOYEE"."NAME", key ? value json_arrayagg(json_object(key ? value "PHONE"."PHONENUMBER", key ? value "PHONE"."TYPE"))) employee from "EMPLOYEE" join "PHONE" on "PHONE"."EMPLOYEE_ID" = "EMPLOYEE"."ID" group by "EMPLOYEE"."ID") "alias_113372058"];
nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00979: Kein GROUP BY-Ausdruck
Does jOOQs JSON feature not work with Oracle?
This isn't related to your JSON usage. The same thing would have happened if you removed all of it and wrote this query instead:
Your query would work in MySQL, PostgreSQL or standard SQL, where you can still project all functionally dependent columns after grouping by a primary key column. But in Oracle, this doesn't work. So, you have to add EMPLOYEE.NAME
to your GROUP BY
There's a feature request to transform your SQL accordingly, but jOOQ 3.14 does not support this yet: https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/4725
aggregates empty sets into NULL
, not into an empty []
. If that's a problem, use COALESCE()