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New update available on Expo, infinite downloading

I'm new to developping with Expo. That new that I haven't started developping yet because of an issue.

I followed a tutorial which shows how to use Expo to see how our app is doing. (

Everything works fine until I try to actually see how my app is doing.

I scan the QR code given by Expo (on the Expo's application), and it displays the splash screen and the following message : "New update available, downloading..." (it never changes, even after an hour)

I have no idea about what is going on. If someone already met this issue and knows how to fix it I would be glad to know.

I use Expo SDK 39.0.0


  • Okay I found what was the problem : I tried to used the wrong connection type. As I was on a local network I thought I should use LAN connection but when I clicked on "tunnel" connection and reloaded the app it worked.