I am trying to make a memory game with 16 cards in a Java Swing, I made a folder for all the images needed in a folder next to the java application itself:
(which is C:\Users\edwin\eclipse-workspace\A3 - Java\src\eindopdracht1\Plaatjes.java)
and the Images folder which contains 8 different Images:
C:\Users\edwin\eclipse-workspace\A3 - Java\src\eindopdracht1\Images
Now I want to put all 8 images twice in an array, using a for loop. For some reason Java doesn't recognize the second file above. Why is that? My code:
package eindopdracht1;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Plaatjes extends JButton {
private File[] files = new File(
System.getProperty("C:\\Users\\edwin\\eclipse-workspace\\A3 - Java\\src\\eindopdracht1\\Images"))
private File[] afbeeldingen = new File[16];
public Plaatjes() {
for (int i = 1; i < files.length * 2; i = i + 2) {
afbeeldingen[i - 1] = files[i];
afbeeldingen[i] = files[i];
you should change this lines of code :
private File[] files = new File(
System.getProperty("C:\\Users\\edwin\\eclipse-workspace\\A3 -Java\\src\\eindopdracht1\\Images"))
private File[] files = new File("C:\\Users\\edwin\\eclipse-workspace\\A3 - Java\\src\\eindopdracht1\\Images").listFiles();