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Implementing Function Interface using Lambda Expression in Kotlin

interface Interf {
    fun m1(num: Int)

fun main() {
    val a: Interf = { 34 -> println("Hello world !!") }

Upon compilation getting this error

Unexpected tokens (use ';' to separate expressions on the same line)

Is Kotlin lambda function syntax is bit different from Java Lambda Expression?


  • First of all, this will not compile in java as well:

    interface Interf {
        void m1(int num);
    class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Interf f =  34 -> System.out.println("Hello world !!"); //compilation error here

    With pretty the same error:

    error: ';' expected
            Interf f =  34 -> System.out.println("Hello world !!");

    To make it correct, name of the lambda parameter should be changed, so that it become a valid java identifier.

    For instance, this will compile:

    Interf f =  x -> System.out.println("Hello world !!");

    Now, returning back to Kotlin. Version 1.4 introduces syntax for SAM conversions:

    fun interface Interf {
        fun m1(num: Int)

    It could be instantiated with:

    val a = Interf { println("Hello world !!") }

    Convention of implicitly declared it parameter referring to lambda only parameter is preserved here.