How to change cycle, that input will be saved in object like this:
expenses: {
“Item name[1]” : “Item price[1]”,
“Item name[2]” : “Item price[2]”
Here is the code:
let appData = {
expenses: {},
value: 0,
askExpenses: {},
asking: function() {
for (let i=0; i < 2; i++) {
appData.askExpenses[i] = prompt('item name');
appData.value[i] = +prompt('item value');
You can use the title as the key by wrapping the variable in brackets.
let appData = {
expenses: {},
value: 0,
askExpenses: {},
asking: function() {
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
title = prompt('item name');
value = +prompt('item value');
appData.expenses[[title]] = value;