When I run a J code block in org mode the java jconsole pops up instead. So must be sending a jconsole command instead of ijconsole... Of course J code block is not evaluated. How do I fix this so that J code blocks are correctly evaluated in org mode?
A background on my setup: I got j-mode working once I set j-console-cmd to "ijconsole-9.01". So j-mode works fine it is just evaluating J code blocks in org mode that I have problems with.
FYI the J portion of my init file is this (as recommended on the j-mode github readme):
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/elpa/j-mode-20171224.1856/")
(autoload 'j-mode "j-mode.el" "Major mode for editing J files" t)
;; Add for detection of j source files if the auto-load fails
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ij[rstp]$" . j-mode))
Here's the babel part of my init.el:
'((J . t)
(python . t)))
The j.org file I am attempting to run is:
This is an example j org mode doc.
#+begin_src J :exports both
'Hello , World!'
#+begin_src J
load 'plot'
plot 1 o. 0.1 * i.200
Okay I solved it!
Variable org-babel-J-command was(incorrectly) set to "jconsole".This opened java instead of evaluating J code in ijconsole...
I added this to init.el:
(setq org-babel-J-command "ijconsole-9.01")
And now J code blocks evaluate correctly.