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How to wire up Micrometer with @WebMvcTest

Im trying to test a Spring Boot 2.3 @Controller that does metrics via Actuator/Prometheus with @WebMvcTest. Unfortunately this fails with a NPE, probably because the Micrometer/Prometheus classes are not present in test.

The controller does

        .tags(TAG_ACCOUNT, String.valueOf(accountId), TAG_STATUS, String.valueOf(status))

The test has


  private MeterRegistry meterRegistry;

This fails with an NPE at the line of Counter...; I believe because at test runtime there's no implementation of that interface (at runtime it's implemented by io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus).

How can I get an implementation of the Micrometer interface into my test so that it passes?


  • The problem is the mocked MeterRegistry.

    The NPE happens here:

    public Counter register(MeterRegistry registry) {
      return registry.counter(new Meter.Id(name, tags, baseUnit, description, Type.COUNTER));

    The solution is to not mock the MeterRegistry but instead provide one via

    static class AdditionalConfig {
      public MeterRegistry registry() {
        return new SimpleMeterRegistry();